A construction playground – Where kids build their own play structures with real tools

A construction playground – Where kids build their own play structures with real tools

During this summer vacation, my kids did one week of summer camp on the “Bauspielplatz”, which could be translated with the words “Construction Playground”. They had a wonderful time there and I think, the pedagogical concept of this playground is so great, it is definitely 

Teaching kids to recognize discrimination and injustice and to take a stand against it

Teaching kids to recognize discrimination and injustice and to take a stand against it

Discrimination and injustice is a touchy subject for some “white” people. Many “white” people don’t want to be racists and don’t mean to actively discriminate. It’s a subject some parents don’t want to address or don’t feel necessary to address. However, we should be aware, 

Childhood in Covid-19 times

Childhood in Covid-19 times

Covid 19 is not only a health threat because of the risk of a virus infection. The effects the lockdown and social distancing have on our economy, our jobs, our homes, on our physical and mental health, on family lives and relationships are severe. Lately 

Earth, water, air and fire – providing play opportunities for all senses with the four elements

Earth, water, air and fire – providing play opportunities for all senses with the four elements

Many of my most precious childhood memories are connected to the four elements, earth, water, air and fire. When life is difficult for me, I can draw strength from those memories. I believe that playful experiences with the four elements are essential for good and 

A paradise for children – How to create a child friendly garden

A paradise for children – How to create a child friendly garden

Many parents put lots of thought into how to design their child’s room, because they want to create a nurturing environment, that helps the child to feel safe, calm and balanced and is encouraging for the child’s exploration sense and creativity. So they carefully pick 

Staying positive

Staying positive

I had to go grocery shopping today and it was quite a gloomy eerie feeling. Even though I was at the stores at 7.30 a.m. there were so many people. All trying to stay away from each other and all so quiet like at a 

Of superheros and people “enjoying the downtime”

Of superheros and people “enjoying the downtime”

In social media posts of people stating, that they are enjoying their downtime during corona virus keep popping up. Some people even start to complain that they are bored. Somehow this triggered something in me. So I just have to get this out: I am 

To keep from drowning- watch the Dads!

To keep from drowning- watch the Dads!

True story! If we Moms wouldn’t constantly watch those Dads… I guess sometimes the kids are more reliable than the fathers… 😉

Perfect planning

Perfect planning

Perfectly planned parenthood? More and more of us millennials seem to be driven by fear and perfectionism when parenting their kids. We want everything to be perfect and God forbid nothing shall ever happen to our child. Thanks to modern media we know how pretty