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Anna's StrongKids
The blog for normal parents raising strong and resilient kids
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How to be a good parent without going nuts
Your intuition and your common sense are your super powers!
Play is your child’s superpower
Of course there are limits!
Parenting during corona times
Staying positive
Of superheros and people “enjoying the downtime”
Family life during Covid 19 times
Childhood in Covid-19 times
A child’s voice: Hope for the world
Let’s talk about discrimination and racism
Teaching about respect for all human beings, equal rights and the beauty of diversity
Teaching kids to recognize discrimination and injustice and to take a stand against it
A paradise for children – How to create a child friendly garden
Earth, water, air and fire – providing play opportunities for all senses with the four elements
Child friendly communities
Regensburg’s child friendly inclusive park
Child friendly communities
A construction playground – Where kids build their own play structures with real tools
Kids in traffic – getting to school
just for fun
To keep from drowning- watch the Dads!
pains of parenting
becoming a servant
little princes
x-mass luck
just for fun
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